University Subjects

MKTG20006: Brand Management

MKTG20006: Brand Management

University of Melbourne
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7 years ago

Two individual assignments (which are that weeks tute questions) (20%), One group assignment (30%), One end of semester exam (50%)
Summary: Brand Management is a pretty cool subject.The marketing faculty subjects all seem pretty similiar in terms of how they run it and quality. If you liked principals of marketing and you like the brand stuff you learn, this subject would be great for you. It basically just expanding on all the brand equity stuff you do in principals and how to build brand equity. pretty neato.

OK, so i personally did this subject because I just needed another level 2 commerce subject and I liked marketing LOL and my friend was doing it so i thought 'stuff it ill give it a crack'. Also a person doing a lecture on the marketing major who works in that area now said one of the tute questions she was given in this subject was asked to her in an interview! and she knew how to answer it bc of this subject, so i thought id give it a shot.

Overall, its a pretty do-able subject. It's a good subject to do if you will have a busy time during the semester, and maybe not so much during exams. the assignments are an easy H2 but a hard(but achievable) H1, The exam was actually kinda hard. i dare say it is the hardest exam ive ever done. I'll get into that in the exam section. But you learn very interesting stuff, its pretty useful, and classes are really fun! its something to look forward to in your week. Definitely do this subject if you are going to have lots of boring subjects in the semester and want something cool but useful to split up your time, and the study for it is pretty chill as well. lots of fun case studies

To tell you what you learn, it starts with some basic brand recap stuff. whats a brand, why theyre useful etc. and then you spend the rest of the course on the different ways to build, utilise, and protect your brand equity, and develop a strategy regarding the different brands in your organisations portfolio. pretty cool stuff if its your thing.

The subject is run pretty well. All the info and assignment questions are in the subject guide so you could do the lot in week 1 if you really wanted LOL. It's not super easy to smash it but you can get a solid 70+ while having a good time studying and not killing yourself
Lectopia Enabled
The lectures ARE recorded but the lecture slides look like a booklet of "fill in the blanks" puzzles and he writes what is meant to be in the blank on the whiteboard, so if you plan on ACTUALLY watching the lecture at some point, you are much better off going to the real thing and not watching at home.
Past Exams Available
uhhhh i still dont know how i feel. All the teachers and students were cool, assignments were very fair and not too difficult, but the exam for me was probably one of the most difficult exams i've done in my life. id probably give the subject a
Textbook Recommendation
dunno lol read the handbook i didnt buy the textbook. There isn't too much content and lecture slides aren't that helpful. If you want to do really well you will most likely need the textbook, they ask some very specific detailed questions in the exam that you mightn't be able to answer 10 marks long if you dont have the textbook/researched it yourself
1 x 2 hour lecture + 1 x 1 hour tute per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 1, 2016
Your Mark / Grade

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