University Subjects

MUSI10025: Writing About Music: Australian Issues

MUSI10025: Writing About Music: Australian Issues

University of Melbourne
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10 years ago

Five assignments totalling 90% (2 x 10%, 1 x 25%, 1 x 5%, 1 x 40%), attendance and participation 10% (I know, right?)
Considered by almost every music student to be the worst subject in existence, WAM certainly leaves a lot to be desired in terms do I put this...not falling into a coma when in class.

But in all seriousness, the first few weeks teach you important things like how to footnote and do a biblography correctly, as well as how to use sources in the library. I'd try to focus as much of your attention as possible on these first few weeks (a struggle, I understand) and then you can do what you want in the latter weeks.

The first assignment is writing a 100 word summary of a particular topic. The writing of the summary is piss-easy, finding the sources can be painful. Just make sure you pick a topic with a lot of reliable sources and use the ones they expect you to find.

The second assignment involves footnoting. As I recall it was explained really badly and everyone did badly, so badly that they had to change the marking scheme on it. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher for help if you're unsure of what to do.

The third assignment is similar to the first one, but longer.

The fourth assignment isn't even an assignment, just a prelim to the final assignment. You just need to find sources and put them in a bibliography. Just make sure you pick good sources and format the bibliography correctly.

The fifth assignment is a bit of a bitch, you have to write a 1200 word persuasive essay on an ambiguous topic, but thankfully they're relatively lenient on the marking (I crammed it the day it was due, 200 words below the word count and still got 80%).

This subject isn't really funtaims but it's not a lot of time and effort either, so just grit your teeth and bear it for a semester, it'll be over before you know it.
Lectopia Enabled
Don't think so.
Sue Robinson and Shelly Hogan.
Past Exams Available
No exam for this subject woooooo
In terms of usefulness, 3/5. In terms of enjoyment, 1/5.
Textbook Recommendation
Reader available at bookshop at beginning of semester.
1 x 90 minute weekly seminar.
Year & Semester Of Completion
2013 Semester 1.
Your Mark / Grade
H2B (78)

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