I came into this subject having heard of people talking about Alexander Technique but not really knowing what it was. Apparently it works better the less pre-conceived notions you have coming into it, so excuse me if I'm a bit vague in the description...
The subject begins with a study of F.M. Alexander; who he was and why/how he developed his technique. Then you go into his discoveries of the common ways that people misuse their bodies, and learn about methods and philosophies of how to improve your use, done during class discussions and exercises. You will each get a turn (or more) to perform in front of the class, where Robert will work one-on-one with you to help with misuses in your playing that may affect your performance.
In terms of assessment, the tests are super-easy providing you have access to the readings. The journal is a big part of this assessment and it pays to go into as much detail as you can. Entries are to consist of summaries of lectures, tutes and readings, and what you understand the meaning of their content to be, as well as your own reflection of practices and experience regarding the technique. It is recommended that you write anything as soon as you can, as many people leave the whole journal to the last week (the total length of the journal can be 6000-12000+ words).