Being brutally honest - this subject was not done well. This subject may change in the future, but when I did it this semester it wasn't taught well, went too fast, and was very disorganised.
These pracs were timetabled in for 3 hours but it was usually 10 minutes or so of explanation, and around 2 hours of doing the prac and writing it up. So, the pracs usually finished around half an hour early (one demonstrator said no writing after 12:30, the other helped us out and let us have extra time).
These pracs were usually where we learned the content. We often learnt the subject material in lectures around 2 weeks after we had a prac on it. There is also pre-lab work, and it can take a while to wrap your head around the pracs and concepts. Usually there were 2-4 sections of the pracs to complete, and you were lucky if you got 2 parts done. Each is like a separate prac and you will be rushing for a lot of it. In my pracs, most of the marks were from the analysis, regardless of how far through you got, so leave plenty of time for this. The amount of content that needed to be completed was ridiculous, the descriptions of the pracs were confusing, and it was often on new content we hadn't been taught. Pracs were a major source of stress for me.
The prelabs, though, are the easiest marks you can get, basically a free 5% for the subject. Takes 5 minutes or longer if you're researching the answer, and it's 3-4 multiple choice questions with some obvious answers.
Some tutors were better than others. In my class, we did our own work while our tutor walked around, checked up on how people were going and answered questions. When things were explained, they were explained in a very complicated way that was difficult to understand. I found this very unhelpful, but I'm sure other classes were better.
Weekly Assignments:
10-13 online questions. They took 3-10 hours per week but were good marks if you were willing to put in the time relearning content and sticking with it. You were given 3 chances to get the right answer, so that was good. The questions were often confusing and difficult but the assignments did relieve a bit of the pressure off from the exams. The questions are by the textbook manufacturers not the lecturers, so they can end up being difficult.
The lecturers often went through concepts too fast and didn't explain things well. They seemed to like physics, just being a bit lacking in the teaching area. I didn't feel like I learned any more by being in the advanced, if anything I learned less. The lectures were also at inconvenient times - there was only one stream (half full). There was limited time for each topic (think we spent 1.5 lectures on special relativity, around 2-3 lectures for other topics). The demonstrations were enjoyable, the best part of lectures, but again not explained well. The lectures tended to go through things very fast and the lecture notes were difficult to understand, with very few examples. I walked out of many lectures having no idea about what they just taught. They also had a lot of "aside"s, where they talked about things not particularly relevant to the course. While these were interesting, they reduced the time we were taught assessable content.
I calculated that I needed 23% in the exam to pass, and I'm not even sure whether I got that. The fact that I received 79% overall shows the massive scaling they had to have done on the exam - I'm doubtful anyone passed. It was difficult even if you studied for hours/days/weeks/months. It covered things we hadn't really been taught and didn't have any standard questions, just lots of hard ones. They had to have a similar / higher mark than the regular physics for this subject though (as there was a higher caliber of students) so they had to scale it, I expect by 50% or more.
I don't know anyone who's continuing on with advanced this semester - if you're thinking of doing it, wait until they have things organised. I'd recommend doing the regular, it's larger with more support and more understandable classes. Overall, this subject was disorganised, difficult, and not worth it (was my lowest mark by quite a bit). I was expecting this class to give me more insight into physics and how things were derived, but it seemed to be an excuse to not explain things properly.