University Subjects

PHYC20011: Electromagnetism and Optics

PHYC20011: Electromagnetism and Optics

University of Melbourne
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11 years ago

One assignment covering Optics, and two assignments covering Electromagnetism (5% each); Six laboratory reports (total 20%); One 3 hour examination (65%) - N.B. Passing the practical component (>50%) of the course is a hurdle requirement, as is attending, and submitting a report for, at least 5 out of 6 practicals.
(General) The tutors are pretty good and are helpful - we had different tutors for each module but there was only one tutor who took all the tutorials. Like all subjects it is advisable to attend tutorials... The practicals are much more interesting than in first-year physics. Pray that you get amiable demonstrators, though, and also that the equipment works; otherwise your time in the lab will be hellish (e.g. the Fourier transform prac and the holograms prac). Nevertheless you get to replicate famous and interesting experiments such as holography, Hall effect, interferometry etc..

(Optics) This module covers Fourier optics, which really is just an exercise in integrals. Indeed most of this module (which is about 4 weeks long) is a maths course, in which we were taught Fourier series and Fourier transforms, with an introduction to the Dirac delta function and convolutions. It really isn't particularly challenging. With these mathematical concepts covered, the applications to Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffaction theory are explored, such as single- and double-slits, as well as circular apertures and regular arrays of finite slits. Finally, there was an introduction to the fascinating realm of spatial filtering. One criticism I do have is that some of this was presented as a plug-in-and-calculate sort of exercise; for example, it was never clearly explained to us precisely WHY the double-slit pattern is a convolution of two infinitesimal slits and a finite slit pattern, but is merely attributed to the array theorem (which is presented without proof or background) - only after studying MAST20030 did I realise that this is due to Green function theory... The assignment for Optics was quite routine, and the exam section on Optics (1/3 of the exam) was quite simple provided that you hadn't forgotten the material that was presented at the start of the semester. As mentioned earlier, Rob had a habit of displaying a sense of incompetence in regards to mathematics, but he was still an effective lecturer.

(Electromagnetism) The lecturer, Chris Chantler, announced at the start of the 8 week module on electromagnetism that this would be the first time that we would be exposed to mathematics in physics. A slight exaggeration, yes, but the intent was clear - this was certainly the most mathematically intensive physics course that I have studied so far. You will need to have mastered the material covered in MAST20009 Vector Calculus PRIOR to starting this subject, otherwise you are doomed - the first lecture involved a tricky triple integral (yes, technically Vector Calculus is a corequisite but those studying it alongside this subject tended to find life tough until the required material had been covered in Vector Calculus). In a very loose sense the material that was covered in Electromagnetism was similar to that in first-year physics, but newer, more difficult (but more sophisticated and elegant) approaches were introduced, such as Maxwell's equations in differential form, the method of images, and the use of the Laplace and Poisson equations. Furthermore, a more complete treatment of electromagnetism in non-conducting media was given, with discussion of dielectrics, paramagnets, diamagnets and ferromagnets as well as Maxwell's equations in such media. Finally, electrodynamics was briefly introduced with a brief discussion of electromagnetic wave theory (to be covered in greater detail in 3rd year). The assignments were rather difficult but certainly manageable, as was the exam - plenty of free marks are on offer merely by memorising/deriving the various forms of Maxwell's equations. Chris Chantler does like to try and be funny, but sometimes it was difficult to glean much understanding from his explanations, while his notes were not exactly of a high standard - it is very wise to purchase the textbook...

(Summary) A very interesting subject, but certainly could have been taught to a higher standard.
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screen capture. However, Rob (Optics) sometimes decided to do his calculations on the whiteboard.
Optics - A/Prof. Robert Scholten. Electromagnetism - Prof. Chris Chantler
Past Exams Available
Yes, from 2009 onwards. However for Electromagnetism, there are exams for 640-245 Electromagnetism and Relativity from 1999 - 2008, and for Optics there are exams for 640-237 Astrophysics and Optics II over the same period since these were the predecessors of the current course. N.B. Do not attempt the exams for the "Advanced" version of 640-245 unless you want a challenge - believe me, you won't!
4.5 Out of 5 (I would've given it 5 if not for Chantler's awful notes and Rob's time-wasting through messing up integrals and Fourier transforms on the whiteboard)
Textbook Recommendation
R H Good, Classical Electromagnetism, Saunders - definitely get this one, as Chantler's lecture notes for Electromagnetism are hand-written and arguably not very well organised.
E Hecht, Optics 4th edn, Addison-Wesley - don't bother with this book. Rob's notes for Optics are decent but you probably will need a reference, for which Rob himself recommended. They are available for free here - Chapters 3, 11 and 12 are the relevant sections.
3 x 1 hour lectures per week; 1 x 1 hour problem-solving class per week; 6 x 3 hour practical classes per semester (every alternate week - these can either be in even-numbered weeks starting in Week 2, or in odd-numbered weeks starting in Week 3 and ending in SWOT Vac)
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 2, 2013
Your Mark / Grade

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