University Subjects

PHYC30017: Statistical Physics

PHYC30017: Statistical Physics

University of Melbourne
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13 years ago

2 assignments (worth 10% each), 3 hour exam (worth 80%)
Statistical physics is an interesting field of physics that I intend to go further with in my studies of mathematical physics in masters. The subject takes thermodynamics and quantum physics and merges them together so you can study how bulk matter behaves at low temperatures (i.e. T 0K) and how quantum mechanics becomes so important. The subject is essentially an introduction to condensed matter physics. The problem solving classes weren't that useful since you're put into a lecture theatre and solve problems on your own.
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with/without screen capture. Wouldn't rely on lectopia since the lecturer also uses the white boards.
Dr. Andy Martin
Past Exams Available
Yes (~10, although the subject went under another name "620-322 Statistical Physics Advanced (prior to 2009)")
Textbook Recommendation
You don't have to buy a textbook, but Statistical Physics an Introductory Course is recommended if you're rusty with thermal physics
2-3 1 hour lectures per week, 1 1 hour problem solving class
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 2, 2011
Your Mark / Grade
Will update when mark is released.

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