University Subjects

SPAN20020: Intensive Intermediate Spanish

SPAN20020: Intensive Intermediate Spanish

University of Melbourne
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Subject Reviews

vox nihili

10 years ago

25% Mid Term exam (grammar exercises, vocab exercises, small composition at the end)
25% Final exam (grammar exercises, vocab exercises, small composition at the end)
2 x 15% written exercises (informal letter)
2 x 10% más ejercicios (exercises you have to complete each night, as well as do an autocorrección)
It's all in the title really: intensive. This subject is nothing short of it.
This is a really, really difficult subject. 16 hours of Spanish a week and an absolute shit tonne of homework will leave you stressed, tired and half-dead by the end of the course. Each day you cover a week's work (normal year terms) of content and are expected to do about 4 pages of grammar exercises in addition to, of course, revising the content and doing assignments in between. This is a really large workload and will test even the most diligent of students. So big piece of advice, of course, is that you do need to go to
Lectopia Enabled
Past Exams Available
4 out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
Aula 3 Internacional (2006), a monolingual dictionary may also be helpful as well as a grammar book though Google is sufficient for both as well.
Eli Bryer
Eva González García
Alicia Martínez Marco
Sivlia Yang (doesn't teach Spanish 3 nor Spanish 4)
8 x 2 hour tutorials per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
2014, summer
Your Mark / Grade
94 (H1)

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