University Subjects

UNIB20014: Food For a Healthy Planet II

UNIB20014: Food For a Healthy Planet II

University of Melbourne
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10 years ago

An essay (2,000 words), worth 20%, due week 8.
A mid-semester test (1 hour), approximately at end of week 6, worth 20%.
Final exam (2 hours) exam in the examination period (60%).
The content of the subject is pretty easy. Anyone with a science background should pick stuff up quick. The tutes have I think a 75% attendance requirement. There are 5 forums (basically normal lectures) with guest lecturers that are NOT recorded and will be assessed. The first forum is assessed in the essay. The other 4 will be assessed in the final exam. Personally after the first forum I skipped all of them. The slides are more than detailed enough on their own (and I found the first forum the lecturer just read from the notes). Anything you don't know/understand on the forum notes you can easily google. The marking is a bit vague. You get past exams/tests and I definitely suggest doing them. This is especially true for the final exam.
The final exam consists of some MCQ followed by short answers on lectures and then short answers on forums. For the lecture short answers I think you have 9 options and need to pick like 6 to address. For the forum short answers you get 4 options and need to address 2 (we got lucky and one of the forums had contradictory info so we only needed to do 2 out of 3 lol). The forum you did for essay will NOT be assessed in the final exam. For the final exam you also get a double sided A4 cheat sheet. The forum portion is 25% of the final exam and the past 3 exams pretty much had the EXACT same questions. Hell, I managed to type out all the important bits from all 3 forums being assessed and stuck it onto my cheat sheet with room to spare (think size 6 font lol). That's an easy 25% right there. For the lecture questions just doing the practice questions will give you a good idea of what to expect.
Lectopia Enabled
Yes, with screen cap.
Past Exams Available
Yes but without the MCQ.
3.5 Out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
Three hours per week (2 x 1 hour lectures and 1 x 1 hour tutorial)
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