Compared to Intro A, Intro B wasn't as good. I came out of Intro A having done really enjoyed the course and doing well, and Intro B flipped everything.
While I still find studying German very interesting, the concepts were harder this semester and I found it more difficult to go out of my way and actually practice. Frau Schoppe is new to UNSW and it took a while for her to get into the swing of things, but as the semester progressed, I did find German getting better. Poor timetabling is part of what made me not so happy about the course because on a Monday morning I had the 2 hour lecture and then the 1 hour tutorial straight after.
However, I definitely felt a sense of accomplishment after completing this course because the concepts taught tie up a lot of loose ends from Intro A. I feel like I can actually write a decent sentence without consulting Google Translate after this semester :-)