University Subjects

COMP3153: Algorithmic Verification

COMP3153: Algorithmic Verification

University of New South Wales
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Subject Reviews


2 years ago

Original assessment schedule (see comments):
- 4 x assignments (2 x 15%, 2 x 10%)
- Final exam (50%)
Assumed Knowledge
The official pre-requisite is MATH1081. Recommended courses to take before COMP3153: COMP2111 and/or COMP4141.
In short, the course was a huge interest booster marred by poor management by the administration team.

This course serves to be the more practical side of theoretical computer science course. The original plan was to be introduced to a range of verification model checkers, such as SPIN/Promela, nuSMV, and SLAM/CBMC which helps to verify algorithms to solve different tasks (including satisfiability and LTL model checking). The theory of the course introduces students to concepts in modern day static analysis and logic in time (temporal logic), which is crucial to algorithmic verification (hence, the name of the course).

The theory was interesting and has definitely been one of the better computer science courses as far as the content goes. Although there wasn't a lot of mathematical concepts, I found myself enjoying the study on topology of behaviour spaces and found that engaging. The assignments weren't too hard and it definitely helped grasp the concepts of the course a lot better.
However, this course has been a nightmare to manage and study for. Assignments were released late, tutorial problem solutions weren't released at all (or at least, they were released extremely late). As a result, assignment marks were released extremely late. Assignment 1 marks were released a few hours before the
Contact Hours
- 2 x 2 hour live lecture.
- 1 x 1 hour tutorial.
Lecture Recordings?
- Lecturer: Dr. Paul Hunter
Notes / Materials Available
Lecture slides are sufficient.
Overall Rating
A list of texts can be found at the end of each week's slides for further reading.
Year & Trimester Of Completion
2021, Term 2
Your Mark / Grade
85 HD.

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