University Subjects

EDST1101: Educational Psychology

EDST1101: Educational Psychology

University of New South Wales
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6 years ago

Multiple choice test (15%), Tutorial presentation (group work) (20%), 1500 word Research Paper (40%), Short answer and Multiple choice test (25%).
Assumed Knowledge
None (A mark of 80+ in HSC English recommended).

Out of the first year education courses, this is by far my favourite, the content in the course is really interesting.

The tutorials did seem like a cop out though, with each group presenting a topic as an assessment, which meant we are mainly reliant on other people in the tutorial to explain the concepts for us. Although our tutors would include anything that was not mentioned, my tutor seemed like they weren't 100% sure on what they are trying to explain. It mainly felt like a waste of time and a lazy way in making the students learn the content.

With only one of the assessments being an essay, I found the assessments much easier than normal, (since I find exams and presentations easier to get good marks in) which really helped in my ridiculously high mark. The exams were mainly multiple choice, which made it much easier to get marks, as the questions rarely ever try to trick you, but more to see if you have a basic understanding of a certain concept. Even with the essay, the essay didn't demand vague questions to be answered (like 1108) and was also not bad to complete.

The actual content of the course was actually very interesting and very basic, talking about Long term memory and Working memory for the majority of the course. It includes methods to increase capacity of both and then to sum up with educational implications of these. There were other things like the visual sketchpad, but those are the main concepts, which aren't that difficult. However in a 2 hour lecture, can become a bore. :P
Contact Hours
a 2-hour lecture and a 1-hour tutorial each week, 80% attendance is required to pass the course.
Lecture Recordings?
Yes (but weirdly still needed to attend :/ )
Lecturer: Dr Slava Kalyuga, Tutor: Pavel Guba.
Notes / Materials Available
None - The education Society did hold sessions where they explained how to complete the assignments.
Overall Rating
Cognitive Psychology and instruction. This is
Year & Semester Of Completion
2018 Semester 2
Your Mark / Grade
92 HD

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