I'm honestly surprised this course is an elective because there were many times where the content presented would've been extremely valuable for highschool classrooms. Motivation is one of the underlying aspects of learning, and the course had many different activities students could undertake to improve motivation, including the underlying theories behind them. The content is pretty interesting!
The first assessment was really straight forward and pretty easy, mainly reflecting on how your past experiences utilised motivational theories discussed in the course, and how to use them in the future, easy marks and the workload here wasn't too big.
However, there was a huge contrast when the second assessment came around. It was extremely useful for the future, but it took forever to complete. The assessment overall took me 3500 words, with 2 lesson plans, explanations on those lesson plans, and analysis of them. The number of other articles you had to read before tackling the assignment took forever. This assessment, although extremely long, is extremely useful for when we enter the classroom environment.
The lectures, so far in my education journey have been my favourite (luckily). It as if they were practising their teachings! The lectures were engaging and relevant. The only downside is the fact that as with all EDST courses, the lectures didn't need to be 2 hours (however for this course, it was the closest to actually achieving this)