University Subjects

ELEC2141: Digital Circuit Design

ELEC2141: Digital Circuit Design

University of New South Wales
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6 years ago

15% labs, 5% lab exam, 5% fortnight online quizzes, 10% midsem, 15% assignments (2 assignments worth 7.5% each), 50% final.
Assumed Knowledge
ELEC1111, especially the last part on Boolean algebra but they quickly go over this in week 1. COMP1511 is also helpful but not essential as there is a bit of verilog coding and having done a COMP course will make this part a bit easier to pick up.
Overall a good course that introduces Boolean logic, sequential circuits, verilog code, CMOS gates and the basics of computer hardware right at the end. Sequential circuits take a bit of getting used to but they aren't too difficult.

The assignments, especially assignment 2, are quite challenging but fun and rewarding and very very beneficial to understanding the course content.

The labs are quite long and the last couple are very challenging - make sure to prepare well before otherwise you'll lose marks for going over time. The program they use, Xilinx, was a bit of a headache since there were two versions on the computers and if you open your lab work with the wrong version then it screws it up. As part of marking, the lab demos sometimes ask you very specific questions about the lab, but they're quite lenient with the marking.

The midsem and final were nice and balanced.
Contact Hours
3 hours of lectures, 2 hours of labs, 1 hour tutorial.
Lecture Recordings?
Notes / Materials Available
ELSOC has plenty of materials and past papers. The lecturer also posts up a couple of past papers on Moodle.
Overall Rating
I used "Digital Design" by M.Morris Mano but this is not completely essential.
Year & Semester / Trimester Of Completion
Your Mark / Grade
95 HD

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