University Subjects

ENGG1300: Engineering Mechanics

ENGG1300: Engineering Mechanics

University of New South Wales
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4 years ago

27% - 3 x Block Tests
18% - Weekly Quiz + Weekly Tutorials
10% - 2 x Lab Reports
45% - Final Exam
Assumed Knowledge
MATH1131, PHYS1121
There are two streams available for ENGG1300: civil or mechanical stream. I did the mechanical stream and boy it was hard. The mech stream tends to be harder because we cover dynamics, which is probably the most difficult part of the course. The whole course is a mix of the mechanics section of PHYS1121 and the vector component of MATH1131, especially when looking at statics. However, I would highly recommend anyone doing mechanical engineering to take the mech stream because ENGG2400 will build on top of the mech stream of ENGG1300.

Another good thing about doing the mech stream, specifically with Kellermann, is that you get free marks by doing tutorial problems. It doesn't matter if you get them wrong but if you attempt all the problems, you get 1 mark (that's where the tutorial problems in the 18% comes from). I don't think you do this if you take the civil stream, so this is a good system to take advantage of. Another thing to take advantage of is the lab reports. These are easy marks! They basically give you a template and you write the parts you need to complete. It's not worth much but it's still good to take advantage of.

The block test is a good indication on what the final exam looks like. The good thing about these exams and tests is that it's one question per topic, meaning that there will be 9 questions altogether in the final exam (there will be 3 questions in each block test). They are difficult though. You're given 45 minutes to do 3 questions, and these questions take a while to do.
Also, unlike other courses, ENGG1300 uses Microsoft Teams instead of Moodle. We still use Moodle but all the resources are on Microsoft Teams. This is mainly because Kellermann works very closely with Microsoft but he's also made a bot where if you use the tag "question" the bot will automatically tag your tutors.
Contact Hours
2 x 2 hour lectures per week, 1 x 2 hour tutorials per week
Lecture Recordings?
David Kellermann
Notes / Materials Available
They give you a spiral bounded tutorial booklet and video solutions for all homework problems. Towards the end of the term, they give you a customised study pack based on your weekly quiz and block test marks to help you study for areas you struggle with the most.
Overall Rating
Meriam J.L., Kraige L.G. Engineering Mechanics
No need to buy it because you can easily find the whole textbook online.
Year & Trimester Of Completion
T3 2019

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