University Subjects

MATH1081: Discrete Mathematics

MATH1081: Discrete Mathematics

University of New South Wales
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4 years ago

2 x Lab Tests - 30% - (15% each)
10 x Weekly Online Tutorials - 10% - (1% each)
1 x Assignment - 10%
Final Exam - 50%
Assumed Knowledge
The level of competence in Mathematics/Mathematics Extension 1 quoted from above link 'Students will be expected to have achieved a combined mark of at least 100 in Mathematics and Mathematics Extension 1'
Loved this course. Only a 4.5/5 because no course is perfect, especially online (also given that i don't really know what a perfect course is right now given my inexperience) - but it does its best by setting clear goals each week to complete and stepping through content clearly. Only dodgy part was probably the online testing media (maple and numbas go brrrr). Also, brilliant lecturer ;D, could listen all day and wasn't just a quality lecturer but also a quality person - it is quite literally impossible to get lost doing this course even if you're not too confident in your maths if you have David. The course content was interesting, and while doing enrichment courses in high school or outside of school may introduce you to some of these ideas, they're rather abstract and great to follow given there's no first-year course that tackles this content. As long as you don't have pretentious people who already know a lot of this stuff (ie. ideas from computing, pre-learning, learnt before in high school etc.) busting down tutors or technology blowing up in your face, 100% enjoyment guaranteed :)
Contact Hours
2 x 2 hour lectures, 1x 1 hour lectures, 2 x 1 hour tutorials
Lecture Recordings?
Available online post-lecture on medium of choice (this term blackboard collaborate)
David Angell
Notes / Materials Available

Course pack and notes + tutorial questions, available in store/online
Overall Rating
Used course pack notes as well as lecture notes
Year & Trimester Of Completion
2020 T2
Your Mark / Grade
90 HD

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5 years ago

Assumed Knowledge
Corequisites (prerequisite or to be completed alongside MATH1081):
My favourite first year maths course. The content is often interesting and some of the harder questions are really interesting (they're also more common than the harder questions in MATH1141 and MATH1241). I didn't go to lectures, so I can't comment on the lecturers, but the course material is mostly sufficient anyway. The notes on combinatorics are kind of all over the place though. It would be nice if more problems were in the problem set, for more practice, but there are multiple questions in the lecture notes you can turn into exercises for extra practice. The course focuses on making you think like a mathematician, rather than solve problems simply, so the questions are more conceptually difficult, which I know many people struggle with, but is certainly more fun for a purist like me. The graph theory topic is also very applicable to CS (specifically COMP2521), and I definitely recommend this course.
Contact Hours
4x 1hr Lecture, 1x 1hr Tutorial
Lecture Recordings?
Yes - screen/document camera and voice recorded.
Prof. Jim Franklin, Dr. Tarig Abdelgadir
Notes / Materials Available
Lecture notes uploaded to Moodle, and past exams provided as well. A few with solutions were uploaded to Moodle, but there were many in the exam bank anyway. Past class tests were also uploaded on Moodle.
Overall Rating
Note: I don't use textbooks and can't comment on their usefulness
Year & Semester Of Completion
2017 S2
Your Mark / Grade
95 HD

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8 years ago

Four online quizzes as with MATH1131/41/51, however no more computing component. The final exam is weighted a massive 80%!
Assumed Knowledge
MATH1131/41/51 serves as a corequisite. It is recommended that a combined mark of 100 was achieved between Mathematics and Mathematics Extension 1. (Whilst not specified by the school, a combined mark of about 140 is the corresponding value to between Extension 1 and Extension 2)
Unlike MATH1xx1, success in high school mathematics has generally no impact whatsoever on success in this course. The course places an emphasis on clarity in mathematics, requiring far more carefulness with setting out proofs, as well as the more computational and algorithmic side of mathematics. Whilst students majoring in mathematics need to take this course, the main focus is therefore to people studying a degree offered by the school of CSE.

Abstractness is essentially the same as for linear algebra, but in a different manner. Whilst some computer scientists are still hammered down by this course, in general they like it TREMENDOUSLY more to how they feel about MATH1xx1. The course is designed to be more friendly towards them.

The huge weighting on the final exam speaks for itself; consistency is key but relatively speaking, a greater focus towards the end will be required here.

This course, on the other hand, sometimes hammers down on people who are good at maths otherwise. It is nonetheless a 'fun' course to take, and many interesting things are taught here, which usefulness is far more than what meets the eye.
Contact Hours
4 x 1 hours of Lecture (painfully disgusting), 2 x 1 hour of Tutorial
Lecture Recordings?
This semester, half yes half audio only
James Franklin, Peter Brown
Notes / Materials Available
The course pack offers all the notes required for the course, including past exam papers. However, the past tutorial papers are outdated and somewhat irrelevant, in fact, too easy more often than not. My tutorial papers are available upon request.
Overall Rating
None, but the following textbook has been recommended: Franklin and Doud - "Proof in Mathematics". Not really needed, but a good read, since tutorial problems have been taken out of here.
Year & Semester Of Completion
Your Mark / Grade
91 HD

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