University Subjects

MATH1151: Mathematics for Actuarial Studies and Finance 1A

MATH1151: Mathematics for Actuarial Studies and Finance 1A

University of New South Wales
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8 years ago

Spread out across online quizzes, tutorial quizzes and computing (MATLAB - to be self taught) quizzes + laboratory test. Final exam is weighted an ugly 64%
Assumed Knowledge
It is highly recommended that either of the following are achieved given the difficulty and depth of the course:
- Across 2U Mathematics and Mathematics Extension 1: A combined mark of 140
- Across Mathematics Extension 1 + 2: A combined mark of 175
Functionally similar to MATH1131/41, taken by science and engineering students, this course is designed in an altered and heavier format to target students taking the mathematically intense degree of actuarial studies. Difficulty is around the same as MATH1141.

The aim of first year first semester mathematics is to formalise many of the concepts just arbitrarily introduced in high school. Whilst it is possible for any exceptional mathematics student to perform well, many struggle to attain HD due to the sudden spike in abstractness in mathematics. The lecturers do look for places to give you marks, however become far more nitpicky with things like quoting the correct theorem, and setting out your proofs in a more presentable manner. Can be a struggle dealing with this course at times - lots of number crunching in algebra, and lots of cautious setting out in calculus.
Contact Hours
2 x 2 hours of Lecture, 2 x 1 hour of Tutorial
Lecture Recordings?
Algebra - Yes. Calculus - Mostly yes, however he uses an overhead projector for hand-written working so sometimes audio only. (Note that in general, yes or no always depends on the lecturers you have for MATH courses)
Josef Dick (Algebra), Ian Doust (Calculus)
Notes / Materials Available
The course pack offers all the notes required for the course, including past exam papers. However, the past tutorial papers are outdated and somewhat irrelevant, in fact, too easy more often than not. My tutorial papers are available upon request.
Overall Rating
Not even the lecturers recommend the textbook. Just buy the course pack and you're set.
Year & Semester Of Completion
Your Mark / Grade
90 HD

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