Overall a pretty interesting course, but a lot of theorems to remember with very specific conditions. This course mostly involved conceptual questions, but not too much difficult proof writing. Remembering the specifics in complex analysis was the most difficult part of this course, and they tested that you knew them well. Both lecturers explained things well, but I found Prof. Cowling more engaging in some respects. The course was a lot more theory-focused, so I wouldn't recommend taking this course unless you enjoy going through and understanding why theorems work and how they can be used to simplify problems. Some of the integration techniques taught are really cool, but difficult to see without being prompted, and require a lot of working to show (one specific question in the final on a single integral took up a couple of pages, though it was broken into parts). A lot of the stuff taught in the course can be linked to the several variable calculus taught in
MATH2111, which made understanding the content a lot easier.