University Subjects

MDIA1003: PR & Advertising Foundations

MDIA1003: PR & Advertising Foundations

University of New South Wales
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5 years ago

Campaign Analysis (20%), 1000 word essay (35%), Client Pitch [45% - Part A (10%), which was a group pitch and Part B (35%), your individual pitch which is ~2500 words]
Assumed Knowledge
None, but to do the course you have to enrolled in a Media degree
I really enjoyed this course. It went into a lot more depth and was infinitely more interesting than MDIA1002 and a great overview for PR/Advertising. The lectures were quite interactive but you don't miss out on much if you don't go, but if you do, you don't have to do the readings because they're summarised in the lectures.

However, if there's one thing that's not fair about this course is marking which I don't think had specific guidelines to ensure equality across tutors. Some tutors marked a lot more leniently than others. To put things into perspective, my friend had a more lenient tutor and got 80+ in all her assessments, and another friend had a different tutor and was lucky to get a 70; and they both put in a similar amount of effort for their assessments. This was very common across the cohort.
In saying that, half the assessments are group work. You don't get to pick for the Campaign Analysis, but for the Group Client Pitch you do. Make sure you're prepared at least two days before the assessment dates so you're not pulling everything together at the last minute. The final assessment (Individual client pitch) isn't explained very well so ask lots of questions!!
Contact Hours
3 - 1.5 hour lecture, 1.5 hour tutorial
Lecture Recordings?
Lecturer - Dr Michael Richardson, Tutor: Dr Jonathan Foye
Notes / Materials Available
All on Moodle
Overall Rating
Year & Semester / Trimester Of Completion
Semester 2, 2018

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