MCGY2004 was run entirely online when I was enrolled in it due to the pandemic. I found that it was highly successful in execution and a really enjoyable unit overall.
Usually, Aural Perception classes are conducted as two tutorials with Lab (melodic dictation) and Solfege. However, the unit was changed instead to being a theory-based lecture and a practical tutorial which blended Lab and Solfege together. I actually preferred this system because it meant I was thinking about the applications of all the aural skills together. The pre-recorded lecture for 9am also meant I could watch it the night before and more time to sleep in/do my readings for the classes I had during the day. I also liked that we had transcription assignments and tutorial tests, rather than weekly homework to submit like in MCGY2003. The course content itself though was quite difficult and each week felt like an absolute overload of information. I still struggle with pitching the octatonic scale now and I had been trying to sing it for the full twelve weeks I was studying the unit. I found the exam really challenging at the end of the course but I attribute this to not revising as much as I could have during the semester and trying to cram all my study in the final weeks leading up to it. It is also a bit unreasonable, in my eyes, for 20 minutes of assessment to be worth 50% of the grade and I suspect most of my performance in the unit was affected negatively because I was so underprepared for that exam.
Despite these minor complaints which really are only present because of my own poor time management, MCGY2004 was a fun and beneficial unit. One thing I valued to a great extent was how Alex selected diverse examples for the unit's repertoire. I loved how he went from using 70's and 80's music to illustrate secondary dominants, to having us analyse the chord progressions for a Juice WRLD song. I felt that this demonstrated how the skills developed in Aural Perception can be applied to the music that I listen to and will ultimately be teaching more of in the classroom. I am looking forward to my final Aural Perception unit this coming semester and seeing how it will compare to this one!