University Subjects

MCGY2011: Harmony and Analysis 4

MCGY2011: Harmony and Analysis 4

University of Sydney
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4 years ago

Weekly assignments (50%), final examination (50%)
Assumed Knowledge
MCGY2011 was the final compulsory Harmony and Analysis unit I needed to complete to qualify for my degree and really brought all the knowledge I gained in the previous three units together. I had heard from multiple people that this was the most satisfying and fulfilling Harmony unit and having done it, I can definitely see why!

I took this unit online because of the pandemic still restricting the number of people available on campus but adapted quickly to learning the content since it was very much an extension of what we already knew. I also found that taking this unit remotely made the presence of a proper routine even more important than ever. I made it part of my week to spend time actually printing out my assignments which were usually handed to us in person for classes and doing the exercises in the workbook to consolidate my knowledge as I progressed through the course. I did have a week or two where I had to request an extension to get my weekly assignments done but Lewis was super understanding and always gave me adequate time to submit my work at its best. However, the final exam was really difficult, more so than the ones for the other units. While it was open-book, it was still under timed conditions which I think was a good way of going about it but it didn't exactly mean the exam was easier. Perhaps it was more challenging for me especially because I was also in the middle of my first teaching placement at the time and had less time to revise for it amidst all my lesson planning and prac work. I'm proud of my result for this unit though and am glad that my consistent effort during the semester paid off in helping me finally get above 80.

My thoughts about the unit have changed so much since my first review of MCGY1008. I now value the subject so much more and almost wish I had room to take Advanced Harmony in my degree. I'm definitely going to miss Lewis' wit and humour and am hoping I'll be able to make him proud when I am in a school and teaching counterpoint for the first time to my own students. I hope everyone who takes this unit finds their reasons to enjoy it because I certainly did!
Contact Hours
1x 1 hour lecture, 1x 1 hour tutorial
Lecture Recordings?
Yes. I did MCGY2011 during COVID-19 so the lectures were pre-recorded and are uploaded before the time of the lecture. Tutorials were not recorded though.
Lewis Cornwell
Notes / Materials Available
Overall Rating
Workbook for Harmonic Practice in Tonal Music 2nd Edition (Robert Gauldin)
Year & Semester Of Completion
2020 Semester 2
Your Mark / Grade
81 DI

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