This unit is a compulsory history subject for education students and *spoiler alert* the one subject I feel everyone should be made to do because it was F A N T A S T I C. I did modernism in Prelim and HSC for every single one of my subjects except for Music 2 but that just made this unit even more satisfying because I was able to draw knowledge from everything else and combine it with my love for music history. I placed a pretty high difficulty rating because it was definitely hard but that made things so much more rewarding at the end.
Doing the assessments for this subject was a challenge. Tutorial preparation was intense with lots of question and analysis but I was lucky I had the day off before the day I had my tutorial to do it properly. MCGY2613 were the best tutorials I attended this year and I always felt like I was being intellectually stimulated. The exams required heaps of revision to do well in and I only wished I had tried harder in my finals. They relied more on your ability to argue and present a logical point, rather than just identifying musical techniques being used which I much preferred. As for the essay, I found this the most enjoyable assessment to complete (how nerdy, I know). I really enjoyed writing about the works I chose and was happy with my performance in it, along with the subject overall.
As you can already sense, loved this unit and was definitely my favourite subject for the semester alongside MUED1007 which I will review later. For the hundredth time, this subject also proves how great the staff are at the Con. Philip was definitely my favourite history lecturer I've had so far and I would take any subject he picked up in a heartbeat. He had memes in his slides, played the examples he used in the lecture live for us to hear and was very helpful when I bombarded him with questions about the essay. I severely missed doing MCGY2613 in Semester 2 and would highly recommend every Con student to study it. It was a thrill and I would live through all the blood, sweat and tears again to experience the growth I did from completing it