University Subjects

PHYS1001: Physics for Scientists and Engineers

PHYS1001: Physics for Scientists and Engineers

University of Western Australia
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8 months ago

A very enjoyable unit with the assessments being pretty straightforward as they are multiple choice. However, the labs are stressful and marked very harshly. They are also very long, despite being three hours (which is already a long time), I was often there well into the fourth hour, waiting for marking. The teaching quality varied with the different lecturers, which was pretty annoying. Mechanics was taught the worst despite it being known for its difficulty. The weekly pracs were handy in consolidating knowledge, and the online Mastering Physics assignments were a good form of assessment.
~7.5 contact hours per week comprised of a 3 hour lab (sometimes slightly longer), a 1-2 hour prac (only required to stay for the first half), and 3 hours of pre-recorded lectures per week (sometimes more). Had about 2.5 hours per week for online assignments.
Lectopia Enabled
Past Exams Available
Textbook Recommendations
No textbook needed.
Darren Grass, Gareth Jay, Ralph James
Your Mark
HD- 92%
Lecturer And Lectures
Darren is the best lecturer. Ralph, not so much. He doesn't teach mechanics very well, but I found that just doing question after question made the subject click. Gareth has bite-sized, digestible lectures.
The labs are pretty bad.
Assessments are weekly online assignments, participation in a prac class, and 2 in-person multiple choice tests
The exam is 30 multiple choice questions.

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