Some university degrees are very structured, and the subjects you will be studying are basically set out before you even start the course. But others are flexible, and there are heaps of different units to choose from. Aside from uni-provided information, which can sometimes be full of jargon or confusing, what can you use to aid your subject selection?

One method would be to speak to past students of a range of different subjects to see what they thought. Although perspectives will obviously differ from student to student, their reviews might contribute to your decision-making process. There’s just one problem: what if you don’t know anybody who has studied the relevant subjects at uni?

That’s where our university subject review section comes in!


How the subject reviews work

There are lots of ways you can find the subjects you’re looking for! There is a search bar, where you can look for unit codes or unit names, but you can also filter the results based on things like university, category, and rating.

For example, perhaps you’re looking just for Mathematics subjects at the University of New South Wales, rated 4 or 5 out of 5 stars. That would look like this:

Filter university subject reviews by area.

Once you click on a specific subject review, you’ll see a link to the subject if available, plus a link to listed courses from that university.

Learn more about the university subject.

After scrolling down, you’ll find any subject reviews submitted for that specific subject. In this case, for example, there are four reviews, which average out to a 4.5 star rating. You can scroll through each review to read the details, and you can also upvote the review if you found it useful. If there’s only one review available for the subject, that will be the only review that is displayed.

Read university subject reviews.


How you can benefit

There’s lots of information you can glean from the subject reviews, but it’s also important to keep in mind that a) these are personal reflections, and experiences will vary, and b) some of the reviews may be outdated. Still, overall experiences on things like assessment and classes can really give you a student-centred insight into the subject and what it might be like.

If a subject has ten reviews and they’re all broadly negative, it might be best to avoid that subject in favour of something more highly-rated. On the flipside, you might notice that a subject has overwhelmingly positive reviews, and consider that subject as part of your course when otherwise you wouldn’t have.


Submit your own!

We only have such a large pool of uni subject reviews due to the generosity of past and current university students like you. Submitting a subject review will only take a few minutes, but it might make a massive difference to future students looking for information and past student perspectives.

Submitting a review for one or more of your subjects is easy! The first step is to log in to your Uni Notes account. Then, click the “Submit Your Subject Review” button on the subject reviews page.

Submit your own university subject reviews.

You’ll then need to choose your institution, and read and agree to the Uni Notes Review Guidelines, before selecting the specific unit. Once you have done that, you can complete our easy subject review template, which guides you through the review. Super quick and easy!

Thank you so much in advance for submitting your reviews, and we hope you find the subject reviews section really helpful in your studies and subject selection. 🤝