Griffith University - Online
Work more effectively with people with a mental illness, their carers and family members with the tools found in this graduate certificate. You will access highly relevant courses based on the latest evidence-based research and collaboration with consumers, carers and mental health professionals.
You’ll gain a thorough historical understanding of mental illness, epidemiology and relevant theoretical frameworks, which is vital for informing quality mental health practice. Policies and programs have an impact on people living with mental illness, and a wider perspective can help ensure more effective outcomes.
As a graduate, you will have the knowledge and skills to undertake mental health assessments and write care plans, engage in reflective and ethical decision making in complex mental health policy and practice areas. You will also be introduced to some commonly used counselling theories and approaches to assist individuals from diverse backgrounds to find new ways to lead fulfilling and satisfying lives.
The ATAR and Selection Rank profile is not available for this course.
Please refer to the Griffith University website for admission criteria information.
This information is sourced from Course Seeker, a joint initiative between the Australian Government and the Tertiary Admission Centres. View more information on Course Seeker.
Open to students from all universities, Honours in Biomedical and Health Sciences builds on your bachelor’s degree in science or health and enables you to explore your interests in research. If you’re interested in pursuing a PhD or becoming a qualified health professional, then Honours is an ideal pathway.
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