University Subjects

HDS106: Disability, Diversity and Social Inclusion

HDS106: Disability, Diversity and Social Inclusion

Deakin University
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Subject Reviews


2 years ago

20 Question MC Quiz - 20%
Open book with all the answers found in the online modules.

Online Roleplay Pitch - 40%
Writing a pitch to a brief about an educational strategy (segregated, semi-segregated or mainstream education). You are graded individually but give peer feedback on drafts in groups.

Universal Design - 40%
Another pitch but this assignment was very self directed. Choose a universally designed product and pitch it to a Deakin student studying a different degree. I just wrote a report with lots of pictures and diagrams but there was the option to do a narrated powerpoint.
All the lecturers and tutors I interacted with were amazing. For both assignments, a marker reviewed our drafts before submission and gave really helpful feedback. Francois responded to every single person's post on every weekly discussion.
Lecture Recording Enabled
The seminars are recorded but any group discussion is cut out.
Textbook Recommendation
No textbook just the reading list. The book "Disabling Barriers- Enabling Environment" is a recommended text and there are many excerpts of it throughout the unit. If I did the unit again I definitely would have read the whole book before I started.
Like HDS101 there's a two hour weekly seminar and online modules that fill the role of lectures. The modules for the first half of the unit (weeks 1-5) are very content heavy but it eases off significantly after that.
Year & Semester Of Completion
2021 Semester 2
Your Mark / Grade

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