University Subjects

SIT199: Applied Algebra and Statistics

SIT199: Applied Algebra and Statistics

Deakin University
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3 years ago

4x Problem solving tasks each worth 10%, Exam worth 60%
It is very straightforward and easy, with many many examples. Claims you need to have known Maths Methods very well but in my opinion you do not need to. Lecturer was super nice and it was harder to fail than pass this unit. If you tend to pick up mathematical concepts slower but are interested in it I recommend this 100%
Lecture Recording Enabled
Yes with screencap
Can't recall his surname but his first name was David
Past Exams Available
Yes dated back from 2012
Textbook Recommendation
Nothing, all provided by lecture
1x 50 min tute, 3x 50min lecture throughout the week
Year & Semester Of Completion
Tri 1 2018
Your Mark / Grade
96% Overall at HD

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