University Subjects

MAT1DM: Discrete Mathematics

MAT1DM: Discrete Mathematics

La Trobe University
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11 years ago


5 fortnightly assignments (typically 3-4 pages each) - 10%

These problem sets consist of questions related to the lecture material. They are designed to help you explain and master mathematical concepts. At the end of each problem set, there is an independent learning question which requires you to conduct some research.

4 LMS Quizzes - 10%

These quizzes are conducted online through LMS. You have three attempts at each quiz. On each attempt you will receive a new set of questions, although the question bank is small.

One 3-hour examination - 80%

Very similar to the past exams. 180 marks available.

This subject is taught in two streams (which all students complete). Stream A is about symbolic concepts and stream B is numerical concepts.

Each week you will have 5 hours of DM content. Each stream has a 1 hour lecture and a 1 hour prac class. The prac class allocation is made in such a way that you will have the same tutor and classmates for both streams. Each fortnight you receive your problem set back with comments & solutions.

The pracs are tough. Really tough. I advise you to refer to the past exams ASAP to quickly discover what you should know, and what you don't have to worry about.

Both lecturers do an amazing job at presenting the material in an accessible fashion. The cohort is largely made up of STEM students.

DM is a really enjoyable subject. There is plenty of help if you're stuck and all lectures are recorded. The subject guide states that it's recommended to have completed methods or spesh in VCE but I believe this isn't necessary. You can learn the concepts as you go. If you're a CS/IT student you will find many of the concepts related to your field. I wish the lecturers could make room for some set theory.

Since there's no calculus in this subject I would say it's one of the easier math units at LTU. If you need an elective and you want to have a moderate challenge, DM is the way to go.


Here is a week by week schedule on what you'll learn. The "/" separates stream A from B.

* Combinatorics, Permutations / Numbers in different bases

* More combinatorics, functions and binary operations / Arithmetic in bases 2, 8, 16

* Boolean algebra and switching circuits / subtraction without borrowing in different bases, normalised scientific notation

* Minimal representations and Karnaugh maps / Elementary algorithms and their analysis

* Digital logic and digital circuits / Recursive algorithms

* Logic circuits and their applications / Sequences and series

* Graphs and graph isomorphisms / Big O, complexity calculations

* Eulerian paths and planarity / More Big O growth of series

* Weighted graphs, trees, and spanning trees / Homogeneous recurrence relations

* Binary trees and mathematical expressions / Non-Homogeneous recurrence relations

* Automata and languages / Analysis of algorithms, insertion sort, selection sort

* Regular expressions / Merge Sort & Quick sort
Lecture Recording Enabled
Yes, with screen capture.
Dr John Banks (stream A), Mr Kevin Bicknell (stream B)
Past Exams Available
Yes. Past years exam is provided with solutions. The last ten years of exams for DM are available through the La Trobe library. HINT: Access these as soon as possible.
Subjects I Tutored During My Time At L T U
CSE2DBF (Database Fundamentals)
CSE1IS (Information Systems)
CSE2DES (System Design Engineering)

Textbook Recommendation
Yes. There is a prescribed course reader available in the bookshop.

2 X 1hr lectures per week
2 X 1hr prac classes per week
1 X 1 hr lecture workshop per week
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 1, 2013
Your Mark / Grade
91 (A)

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