Firstly, it's worth noting that my experience could be very different to that of futures students because of the online format. However, I think the teaching staff did very well to adapt this unit to an online format under very short notice.
In terms of content and teaching, I would say that this is the best third-year probability/stats unit (out of MTH3241, MTH3251, MTH3230 and MTH3260 - I personally did not do MTH3260, but I heard from others that it was very difficult). Whilst most of the content was new to me, it was presented in an easy to follow manner and at a reasonable pace. Kais was also very open to answering questions on Moodle and via email. The assignments definitely helped me to consolidate my understanding of these new concepts. I also found that looking up YouTube videos was quite helpful, although do take caution as these videos often cover higher-level concepts or cover the content in a different way.
keltingmeith's review from a few years ago summarises the topics covered well - they have not changed since then.