University Subjects

ATS1092: German studies 2

ATS1092: German studies 2

Monash University
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12 years ago

25% culture exam, language component 75%, comprising 4 mini tests, 4 homeworks, 2 dialogues, two larger tests, all in-semester, and a language test and oral test during exam period (worth ~30% or total mark).
The language component was actually fun, and the assessment not too hard. The Kultur seminars were also quite interesting and relevant, looking at 20th century german history and german culture in australia. However, a major drawback was that the seminars - lectures with mandatory attendance - were not recorded. So if you have a clash or can't otherwise attend, you simply miss out. German poetry is looked at, but english translations of all poems are provided, so it's not overwhelmingly difficult. A highlight of this unit was the mid-semester German Week, where a series of lectures in german were held. at this level, you can't understand much of the content, but it's good motivation.
Franz-Josef Deiters
Past Exams Available
No past exams available.
3.5 of 5
Recorded Lectures
No recording available. However, lecture slides and readings are made available on muso.
Textbook Recommendation
You must buy the Globetrotter textbook for the unit, and your tutor may insist on you buying the accompanying CDs, book and CDs together is about $65.
Weekly 3x1hr tutes, 1x2hr seminar.
Year & Semester Of Completion

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