I really enjoyed this unit, as it was structured well and gave way for discussion into disasters in a very in-depth and socially focused manner, including looking at why certain groups of people are more vulnerable to disasters and how they are impacted by them. The unit also emphasised on how Disasters and Disaster victims were portrayed by media outlets and the attitude towards them by wider societies. The lectures essentially provided a background for the readings and the analysis undertaken, especially where case studies were used. Tutes provided an outlet for the ideas in the readings to be discussed and debated, but I suppose at times could be quite a abysmal discussion considering the topics we discussed. I didnt really like the first assignment, where you had to link 3 of the first few readings and the arguments dicussed in them to a particular Natural Disaster. Pro-tip: Chose a Disaster wisely, search if there are relevant articles written on it, in relevance to the topics you need to talk about. I didnt do this and as a result I ended up talking about how Sunrise was an effective media outlet with regard to the 2011 Brisbane flood and how they essentially personalised the news and involved their audience

Not necessarily the in-depth discussion I wanted to have, nonetheless, got a D for that assignment. (Pro-tip: Dont hand your work in 7 days late and lose 15 marks) For second years, the essay question for the Research Essay is provided. (If you do this unit 3rd year, you have to create your own essay topic) Essay topics are fairly straightforward, however I struggled to stay within the word limit. (Apparently it was a hard limit, . Also, Phy124 saw my tutor marking my essay on the bus LOL) In-class test is for an hour, except at Clayton, Susie SOMEHOW did not realise the lecture room was too small, and 20 people had to do it in a different room. Leaving spaces between each student? LOL yea totes. Anywho, it had 2 sections to it, the first was 5 short answers where you had to write 100 words each, which OMG is so hard when there's so much to say, then there was a extended response essay of 500 words, and the 3 questions to chose from were given out in the last lecture/tute. Lecturer was nice? Dunno only went to one lecture. Tutes were awesome, readings were worthwhile most of the time, tutor was coolbeans!!
tl;dr This unit is awesome, do it peeps.