University Subjects

ATS2674-3674: Semantics and Pragmatics

ATS2674-3674: Semantics and Pragmatics

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


10 years ago


3x 20% assignments
10% midsem30% exam
A good fun unit. But I like linguistics, so I am quite biased. Alice is a good lecturer and is very receptive to feedback from students, making it a point to ask us several times throughout the semester what we thought of the unit, if we wanted anything to be changed, etc. She was quite thorough. Some of the stuff on logic and truth introduced a whole heap of symbols and stuff that you would be familiar with if you were a maths/computer science student, but if not you would probably be a bit clueless. Some of the content was more technical than I'd expected but it is still relatively easy to understand. Alice ran several optional tutorials throughout semester to go over some of the more difficult concepts and was very helpful.
Alice Gaby
Past Exams Available
None, but there are revision questions and the mid-sem gives you a good idea of what it will be like.
Recorded Lectures
Textbook Recommendation
Semantics by John Saeed. It's a good one to have, but you don't need to buy it. You will be doing a lot of reading from it but there's the library for that.
a 2hr seminar per week.
Year & Semester Of Completion
2013 sem 1
Your Mark / Grade

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