To be honest, coming out of this subject I don't feel like I learnt that much new information. The course starts off with basic randomisation & simulation tasks, which are very similar to those done in VCE Methods/ some parts of ETC1000. Thus, if you have a good knowledge of these, then this part isn't that difficult, as it even goes to as basic as tossing a coin and working out what is a random throw of a coin and what isn't. The next part of the course is regression modelling, which covers model selection and interpretation, much of which is basically repeating what is covered in ETC2410, particularly with AIC/BIC/adjusted R² model selection. There are some new parts to the course, but these are relatively straightforward and easy to get your head around, as like the parts above, they are just model selection areas, so they shouldn't be too difficult to do, even if you've only done ETC1000 before doing this unit.
After this, the unit delves into Bayesian Inference, which to be honest should've had much more time allocated to it than just the 3 weeks that it was taught in. You start off with Bayes Rule and basic application of that, but then this evolves into prior/posterior models, Bayes estimators and loss functions. All of these are taught relatively quickly and not that concisely, so reading through the lecture slides and asking questions in the tutorials about these parts is paramount to understanding a full knowledge of these parts of the course. I had Lachlan and Frank as my tutors, and they were both very well learned with these parts of the course, so I'd recommend for sure to have them as your tutors if you're doing the course next year. From what I know though, the course is undergoing a bit of a revamp due to this being the first semester that Catherine has ever taught the subject.
Also, the unit heavily uses R in semester, although there is no R coding in the final exam. For most of the people studying the course, this is their first time using R (or even coding in general) , so it does seem to be quite a learning curve to understanding how to properly code in R. However, I had done some coding in the past using Java, so I found the learning curve to be not as steep, even though the R coding was basically taught via a "Google it" approach if you didn't know how to code something

. Despite this