University Subjects

ETX1100: Business Statistics

ETX1100: Business Statistics

Monash University
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10 years ago


• Assignment: 5%
• Mid Semester test: 15%
• Tutorial attendance + H/W completion: 10%
• Exam: 70%
A relatively easy subject to pass, although if you don't keep on top of the work, it can seem pretty difficult (like it did for me most of the semester). The concepts are simple although a major issue would be the 70% weighing of the exam, as it is a hurdle requirement, this subject has a high fail rate due to the heaving weighing of the exam. The mid semester test and assignment are easy marks, as are the tutorial attendance ones which contribute 10%. These marks are achieved through 1% per tutorial, 0.5% for attendance and the other 0.5% for completing the part A work to be prepared before the tutorial.

The mid semester test covered topics from weeks 1-4, thus those were not included in the final exam, which made it a lot easier to study for also.
Overall, it was quite a dry subject but if you are good at maths you will like it.
Gerrie Roberts
Past Exams Available
There were no past exams available but instead 3 sample exams were provided.
4 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Textbook Recommendation
Basic Business Statistics - Berenson 3rd Edition (2012). It is prescribed but honestly not used, countless times Gerrie has indicated to do calculations based on the way its presented in the Lectures rather than the textbook's method. It's only useful for practice questions.
3 1/2 contact hours - 1 x 2 hour lecture, 1 x 1 1/2 hour tutorial
Year & Semester Of Completion
2014, Semester 1.
Your Mark / Grade

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11 years ago


Tutorial attendence and homework completion - 10%
4 assignments – 5% each (totalling 20%)
Exam - 70%
As a compulsory Bachelor of Business subject, it wasn’t the greatest, however if you are maths minded you would probably enjoy the subject. Gerrie was a great lecturer (I have heard negative reviews about other lecturers). Assignments were very easy, however the subject does have a 25% fail rate most semesters
Gerrie Roberts
Past Exams Available

No past exam available, however there were 3 practice exams provided, which were helpful
Recorded Lectures

Lectures are recorded
Textbook Recommendation
Business Statistics 3ed by Bereson prescribed. Didn’t use the textbook for most of the semester. The end of section questions were very useful when preparing for the exam
1 x 2 hour lecture per week and 1 x 1.5 hour tutorial each week
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 2, 2013
Your Mark / Grade

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