University Subjects

FIT1040: Programming Fundamentals

FIT1040: Programming Fundamentals

Subject Reviews


11 years ago


Short tests during tutorials and labs - 20% (tests are worth 1% each, pretty much just to make sure you didn't sleep through the tutorial)
Assignment 1 - 10%
Assignment 2 - 10%
Written exam - 60%

This is a core unit in all of the IT streams offered at Monash, although students with a background in programming could opt to 'test out' for an exemption. This is because the unit was designed for the students who have no background whatsoever in programming (like myself).

Instead of using a written programming language, we used a drag-and-drop interface called Scribble. It reminded me of those Lego Mindstorms kits I used when I was younger, haha. I found it kind of fun but a lot of the people I talked to thought it was pretty boring. A lot of these people could've tested out, but decided not to.

The lectures were quite engaging but I found I didn't miss much if I went straight to the tutorial without watching the week's lectures. I admittedly put quite a bit less energy/time into this subject than my other, more difficult units (namely FIT1029 and MAT1830).
Overall I enjoyed this unit as a relaxed introduction to programming, although in hindsight I would've liked to do a bit more as it's not, in my opinion, a sufficient introduction to lead onto units such as FIT1008.
Peter O'Donnell, definitely one of the more engaging lecturers
Past Exams Available
I was part of the first group of students to do this subject so there were no past exams, only a sample exam.
4 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Yes, with screen capture
Textbook Recommendation
I don't remember if there was something on the recommended reading list, but I can't see how a textbook would be necessary or helpful.
2 hours of lectures, one 2-hour laboratory, one 1-hour tutorial
Year & Semester Of Completion
2013, semester 1
Your Mark / Grade
88 HD

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