University Subjects

COMP30024: Artificial Intelligence

COMP30024: Artificial Intelligence

Subject Reviews


7 years ago

8% - Project Part A (groups of 2)
22% - Project Part B (same groups)
0% - Unmarked 'feedback quiz' in-lecture (instead of a MST)
70% - 2h exam in exam period

The rest of this review goes into a lot of detail about the subject experience -- content, classes and assessment. Hopefully it helps you know what kind of thing to expect if you decide to take this subject.

Lecture Capture

The first half (symbolic AI) was presented by Sarah Erfani

The second half (AI under uncertainty) was presented by Chris Leckie
Past Exams Available
There were no past exams available, but one sample exam with solutions was released.

There wasn't a huge focus on implementation, except in the project, which had to be written in Java. Java was assumed knowledge, and putting together a workable solution required a decent level of proficiency within the team (but nothing more than what you'd pick up from, say, SWEN20003 Object-Oriented Software Design).
Textbook Recommendation

The recommended textbook is Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Russel and Norvig. It's quite good! I actually bought a copy (albeit a cheap international edition from abebooks) and I really got a lot out of it. It's quite well written and goes into a very satisfying amount of detail.
Two 1h lectures
One 1h tutorial (it was a 2hr tutorial on the timetable, but we only used the first hour - the second was offered for project work)
Year & Semester Of Completion
2016 Semester 1
Your Mark / Grade

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