This review applies to MEC2403 - Mechanics of materials as well since its just the same unit but with different assessments (MEC is 5x easier than MAE). First of all the lecture notes have the basic information but it doesn't help you to do tutorials at all, if you want to pass the unit, make sure to buy the text book or at least loan it from Hargrave Library. The work load is not all that bad but it's always a good idea to finish the tutorial ahead of time because it's pretty hard to finish it in the 3 hour time frame they give you. Throughout this unit I felt like that I didn't learn much and the content is quite dull. Not sure if the lectures were useful since I didn't bother going but from what I've heard, just stick with reading the text book. For those of you doing the MEC version, the tutorials are worth 3% each and you don't have to do any computer laboratory work (so unfair
