University Subjects

MEC4426: Computer-aided Design

MEC4426: Computer-aided Design

Subject Reviews


9 years ago

30% Assignments, 20% Mid-Semester, 50% Final
This unit is an introduction to the different type of industrial simulations, with high focus on meshing techniques, computational problems, computational costs, and is really applicable to the engineering industry. The maths involved in this unit is fairly simple and nothing harder than 2nd year engineering maths. To do well, you will need to be able to select different type of model set-ups depending on the applications.

The content in this unit was well organized, but there are a fair number of students who found it difficult to understand Wenyi's accent (Chinese) which lead to some confusion. However, he is really helpful and approachable when you need extra clarification and goes out of his way to help students understand the material.

The main component of this course was the computer labs (duh) and you will be required to learn some basic coding in Abaqus. (a CFD software) I've used Abaqus previously during a summer internship thus I found it really basic and straightforward, but a few of my peers took some time to get used to the new language. The tutors are really helpful during the computer labs, so do approach them for help. The will also guide you in the right direction for the assignments which isn't too tricky but takes some time to set up properly so I would advise you to get started early.

Overall, I'm not the best person to rate this unit as it is a computer based unit as I really like programming/simulations but I really enjoyed this unit as I found it relevant to what I may be doing in the future.
Dr. Wenyi Yan
Past Exams Available
Yes, with a couple of solutions.
4.5 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Yes, with screen capture
Textbook Recommendation
2 x 1 hr lectures, 1 x 2hr computer labs
Year & Semester Of Completion
2014, Sem 1
Your Mark / Grade

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