University Subjects

MKF2111: Buyer Behaviour

MKF2111: Buyer Behaviour

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


11 years ago

Tutorial presentation (15%), Consumer diary (15%), Mini tasks (20%), Exam - 2 hours (50%).

Mini tasks involve:
  • Tutorial exercises (10%)
  • Class participation (6%)
  • Research participation OR Research paper (4%)
This unit isn't too hard as the assessment tasks and exam are relatively easy. The consumer diary is the piece of assessment that takes time, as you have to record your product/service purchases for a week and with another person, analyse each other’s purchases in relation to marketing theories and principles. You have the option of either doing research participation surveys or a research paper to gain 4% of the marks. The research participation is an easy way to get free marks as you just complete surveys for the department which are quick and anonymous. The tutorial presentation requires some research, but again, not that difficult. The exam is pretty straightforward if you have read the textbook and made summary notes. Buyer behaviour can be quite dry at times, however it's a relatively straightforward unit as an elective or core major unit.
Dr. Gerri Spassova (semester 1), Dr. Mauricio Palmeira (semester 2).
Past Exams Available
Yes, one sample exam (no solutions).
3 out of 5.
Textbook Recommendation
Hoyer, Wayne D., Deborah J. MacInnis, and Rik Pieters, "Consumer Behavior," South-Western Cengage Learning, 6th edition. Definitely consider purchasing as lecture slides alone are not sufficient for study.
One two-hour lecture and one 1-hr-30-mins tutorial per week.
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 1, 2013.
Your Mark / Grade

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