Originally wasn't going to post another ARA review, but I feel it deserves a fresh review given the change in course design and lecturer.
After hearing horror stories about accounting in high school and having never done it before, I was expecting this to be a boring/drag subject. However I was pleasantly surprised

This was a very well organised subject, and with a consistent effort good grades are definitely possible. Overall, I'd say it gives you a nice introduction and basic understanding of accounting reports and commerce/business in general, plus some of the problem solving/working backwards type questions could be fun. As stated above, there are weekly questions to work through, which really help reinforce understanding and keep your knowledge up to date.
Could be watched at home at the end of the week, but probably best to attend to keep up to date. I think most people would agree Noel Boys was an entertaining lecturer who explained things well and kept it interesting. Just don't take a photo of the slides, lol. Lecture slides were fantastic, providing pretty much everything you needed to know, and were placed on LMS prior to lecture. I actually looked back at the ARA lecture slides this semester in ACCT10002 / IFA
Usually contained both group work and tutor/classroom discussions, which was a good opportunity to both meet new people and to pick up participation marks. Only con was some of the tutorial questions were a little weird/vague, and didn't seem examinable or like they really added anything (E.g. Estimating what the uni uses as the useful depreciation life for various assets).
Technically part of participation mark, and pretty much asked basic questions, most of which were pretty easy to answer by reviewing lecture slides. There were 5 assessable quizzes for 1% of final grade each, which you could only attempt once. There were also practice quizzes, which you just needed to attempt to score participant marks (score didn't matter on these), which you could attempt as many times as you wanted.
Assignment 1 was pretty straight forward, and pretty much just required you to complete some exercises similar to ones done in the lectures and tutorials. However, there were a lot of issues with the grading, due to computer generated marking - make sure you read all the instructions carefully.
Assignment 2 was probably the most difficult aspect of the course. You could chose your own groups from anyone in the subject which helped (knowing you have someone you can rely on), and there was an online forum on LMS to help others find group members (I paired with a friend and found 2 others on there, which worked pretty well for me), otherwise you're randomly assigned a group. For part 1, your group will have to perform many calculations/graphs/detailed workings, which seemed a bit over the top (probably would have been better if we only had to do a select few, as this would have been enough to ensure we could calculate them). After this, for part 2 you'll need to really think about the ratios/changes in ratios, and use this to compare two companies and write a 1200 word memo ( memo format important, my group lost a few marks for addressing memo to/from wrong person

), which also needs to sound like it's written by the same person. Marking was also kind of subjective, as there's no real right or wrong answer, it's about how deep your analysis is.
Was a pretty fair exam in my opinion, where lecture slides and practice questions (from the textbook and past exams) were probably the most helpful to prepare for it. From memory, I think ~60% was calculation/report preparing, and the rest theory questions. I found 3hrs to be more than enough, despite being a little intimidated at the start by some of the long preparing type questions. However, to get the top marks (like in any subject) you really need to understand everything behind it.