University Subjects

CSE1PE: Programming Environment

CSE1PE: Programming Environment

Subject Reviews


11 years ago


Tutorial Attendance (10%)

Simply receive up to 10% for tutorial attendance. It's calculated by your attendance. For example: if you attend 50% of tutorials, you will receive 5% and so on.

Assessable Tutorials (12%)

There are two assessable tutorials for Programming Environment. Both assessable tutorials require you to perform the program development steps which involves writing pseudocode, completing a data dictionary and defining diagram, and desk checking. All this is done in regards to mini problem description/s for each assessable tutorial. It is required to be typed and submitted as a hard copy in the tutorial at a specified time. First one is worth 2% and the second is worth 10% (this was the case in S1 2013, not sure about 2014 and beyond).

Real Time Programming Test (18%)
The real time programming test is where you must program live (or on the spot). You are given up to three hours to complete this. You are given a problem description and from there you must complete a defining diagram, pseudocode, desk check, data dictionary, test plan, physically write the program (submission of source code) and provide sample runs to show evidence of it working properly.

This subject is pretty much the gate to programming. It teaches you the fundamentals of C programming and pretty much is a 'how to use UNIX' class. You consistently use the program development steps which involves the use of data dictionaries, pseudocode writing, desk checking and defining diagrams, as well as test plans introduced later in the semester and apply them to problem descriptions.

It's very handy and very easy to pick up if you have learnt another previous language like PHP as the logic is very similar (e.g. if/else statements, variables). This bridges onto CSE1OOF (review above) where these are further continued in Java.

This subject is not object-oriented and it is very easy to succeed if you take the time to learn the material.
Lecture Recording Enabled

Geoffrey Holt
Past Exams Available

Textbook Recommendation


2 x 1 hour lectures p.w
1 x 2 hour computer lab p.w
1 x 1 hour tutorial p.w.

Total: 5 hours p.w
Year & Semester Of Completion
2013 Semester 1
Your Mark / Grade

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