University Subjects

HPSC30019: Minds and Madness

HPSC30019: Minds and Madness

University of Melbourne
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7 years ago

(subject to change)
1000-word report due week 6 (25%)
1000-word History of Psychiatry in 5 objects, due last week of teaching (25%)
A 2000 word critical reflection, due during the end of semester examination period (50%)
This subject has been my favourite so far in my degree! I adored the content and became immersed in the history of psychiatry. I believe this should be an area that is mandatory for all psych majors and all future doctors or health professionals. Not only is it fascinating, but it gives an insight into how treatments such as psychiatric medications and ECT, came to be and why they did. The subject works chronologically through the history of the psychiatric patient and treatment up until the modern day. It outlines what it means to be 'mad' or mentally ill, and how society has influenced the treatment and depiction of madness.

All of the lectures are online and this is accompanied by a 2 hour workshop each week. I won't go into detail about the assessments, as they are most likely going to be modified next year to include a group assignment and I don't know which ones will be the same. Weekly online journal entries were used through which we had to nominate items (newspaper articles, images, documents, videos) which would then form the basis of a major assignment. There was also an essay on the Mind Gallery at the Melbourne Museum and a critical review on society and the history of pscyhiatry.
To anyone intrested in the mind or psychiatry; Give this subject a go! You won't regret it and your life and studies will be enriched. It's worth it. Trust me!
Lectopia Enabled
James Bradley
Past Exams Available
Past essays provided.
5 Out of 5
Textbook Recommendation
Madness: A Brief History (R Porter) Oxford University Press 2003 (useful for assignments but not essential)
1 x 1 hour online lecture per week and 11 x 2 hour workshops from week 2-week 12
Year & Semester Of Completion
2017 Semester 2
Your Mark / Grade
80 H1

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