University Subjects

ATS2634-3634: Global indigeneity

ATS2634-3634: Global indigeneity

Monash University
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Subject Reviews


11 years ago

3x1000 word Response Papers worth 20% each, 10% for participation and attendance and 30% In-class test
I love love love this unit. I think its by far one of the best units I've taken at Monash. The response papers are structured around the 3 modules of 'Indigeneity in Kenya' on the Nubians, 'Indigenous religion in the nation state' on Indonesia and 'The endangered languages of indigeneity' on Aboriginal Indigeneity and you have to submit each paper for each module a week after the module finished, but all three times Jullian was kind enough to extend this to everyone for 2 days. The response papers were based around the readings, which forced you to read and understand the readings to a deeper level then just summarising it exam time. The questions for the response papers I found very hard to write in 1000 words, and often I had one massive paragraph with my main point and a significantly smaller paragraph for a counter-argument, and thank god for 10 percent leeway but it still wasnt enough, especially to cover all the readings. The modules were very interesting, the first covered international responses to indigeneity and how globalisation has helped indigenous groups in their fight for self determination, as well as the politicalisation of indigeneity, in general and in case study of the Egyptian and Kenyan Nubians. The second module was about the Indonesian politicalisation of religion in indigenous groups to gain status within Indonesia and how the indigenous were forced to conform to the state's expectations and generalisations of religion, away from customs, to gain political and social status and acceptance. Thirdly, was the module about the loss of language culture in Indigenous Australia and the inherent assimilation of Indigenous people into mainstream Australian society through the downplaying of their native languages, where it also discussed how cultures could be revived and the different views towards doing so. TBH I didnt do that well in the response papers, got average marks. The in-class test was where again you had to write I guess, mini essays. You had to answer 3 out of 5 questions and so each response was worth 10%. It was only for an hour so each response would only be like 400-500 words I guess. The questions were a tad less general and perhaps were testing knowledge of one weeks worth of content but tbh it wasnt hard to bullshit if you had done the readings. Oh 3rd years just have to submit a 1500 essay instead of doing the in-class test.

The lectures themselves, I never went to, purely because a) ceebs b) I heard they were pointless and he doesnt even have slides for the lectures and just keeps rambling on aimlessly and that its hard to actually decipher content from them. Also apparently the lectures was just an hour long version of the condensed weekly overview he posted on moodle each week. He's a nice guy, ran tutes awesomely, where we did group activities in scenarios which forced you to discuss and understand the various facets in the weeks' content.

Would definitely recommend this unit for any International Studies major, as it is List A (was??? Not sure with new restructuring of majors)
Jullian Millie and someone who substituted for a while when he was away
Past Exams Available
4.5 of 5
Recorded Lectures
Textbook Recommendation
The reader from the bookshop which is kinda expensive coz it was massive- it was around 35 bucks
1x 1 Hour lecture and a 1x 1 hour tute
Year & Semester Of Completion
Semester 2, 2013

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