I took this subject because I was sure I want to major in microbiology. But now I am sure I won't do that!
There are 3 lectures each week which each has minimum of 35 slides. usually teachers are just reading from their slides, so you don't really need to write lots of extra stuff on your notes. Maybe that was one of the main problems with this subject, there was no emotion involved with their style of teaching, it was as if they were also bored and did not liked what they were doing!
For the first half of semester topics were,The Hosts, Bacterial Cells, Bacterial Metabolism,Parasites and Fungi and genetics. It is one of those subjects that in the lecture room you thing stuff they are teaching is easy, but even if it is easy its a lot, so best way to avoid failing this subject is to study each lecture on its own week.
For second half of semester topics were immunology,bacteria and viruses. Honestly if you did not enjoyed first half you will hate second half! here there is actually a bit of understanding involved specially in immunology.
There are 12 quizzes, each give you 2 hours to complete them which is more than enough, and each lecture will have 3 MCQ question. It not an easy 10% because you can do the test only once and they are actually not that easy!
There will be 2 practicals in week 11 and 12 which were highlight of the subject, there were emotion involved and actually you will learn something. Then after you done your pracs there will be a quiz about ur experiment, which is not hard, just write everything you do in pracs in your notes.
The mid semester exam, is 40 MCQ, honestly if you study really hard which you should you can get good mark. What I understand is that in their lecture notes they put many examples and details that attracts you to memorise them in very fine detail, but first try to understand the topic. you can get good mark here...but study really really hard because it is not easy. (I got 27, and I studied hard)
The final exam...HARDEST EXAM EVER! I don't know they themselves where once students or not, but they really asked questions that someone like me who had 2 exams in one day could not even remember the topic of questions! First part is 40 MCQ and it is only from second half of semester, so really study hard for it as it has 20% of your mark. Part B is fill the gap, and it was manageable, when you have words in front of you, you can at least come up with something! Part C, was 6 questions which u had to choose 5 and answer them. This part was really hard, I mean if your r studying for exam and there is a moment that you say "there is no way they ask such a question", think again! because they do! Part C and B have total of 48%, so again I really suggest to study the second half of lectures carefully.
This subject was not what I thought it will be, and maybe that is the reason why I hated it so much. When there is only lectures in one subjects, lecturers should really try to engage students, even if topics where not dry, the stile of teaching was! and this is my openionnnnnnnnnn!

Many people here liked it but for me it was not a great experience. It is so much information and the exams are so hard. even in the first announcement they said this is not an easy subject! So do it if you want to major in microbiology, but if you just looking for something to fill your course, then avoid it as it will kill your GPA!