First up, if you are not in the slightest bit interested in experimental/avant-garde 20th century music, stay away from this subject. If you can tolerate it but aren't really into it, perhaps select a different history subject.
This unit covers art music of the 20th century. Composers studied include Debussy, Satie, Stravinsky, Webern, Shoenberg, Berg, de Falla, Boulez, Stockhausen, Messaien, Bartok, Cage, Riley, Reich, Adams, Berio and many other various post-modern composers/musicians. Most of the content relates to each composer's musical philosophies and their contexts as well as techniques they used.
The assessment consists of 3 assignments due every 3 or 4 weeks. Each week in the reader there is an assignment question and you must choose one relating to the past few weeks. They aren't too difficult providing you relatively scrupiously look through the relevant reading and you know Chicago style fairly well. The listening test consists of being played 4 out of 12 works from various composers you have studied. You have 15 minutes for each work to write down as much as you know about it, roughly about a page's worth.
I enjoyed this subject and found it relatively easy but as I said earlier you need to have a certain taste for the avant-garde.