University Subjects

ACCT1501: Accounting and Financial Management 1A

ACCT1501: Accounting and Financial Management 1A

University of New South Wales
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4 years ago

40% - Moodle multiple-choice quizzes. Very easy, questions were similar to the textbook/questions from previous years.
10% - Homework and tutorial participation. Kinda annoying, but nothing too difficult.
50% - Final Exam. Timed moodle quiz.
Assumed Knowledge
No assumed prerequisites. If you know how to use a calculator then you'll be fine.
As with previous reviews here, as long as you're not bored out of your mind and keep up with the coursework you won't have any trouble with this course. The first half of the course sets up basic accounting principles and practices, and the latter half expands on specific concepts within accounting, such as assets, costs, and a dash of management accounting at the end.
My only major gripe with the course is that it's necessary to own a copy of both the textbooks in order to complete your homework. I recommend this to every first-year business student and anyone who wants a practical gen-ed in the business school.
Contact Hours
1 x 1.5 hour lecture per week. 1 x 1.5 hour tutorial per week.
Lecture Recordings?
Leonard Li. 3.5/5. There's only so much that a lecturer can do to keep an accounting lecture interesting.
Notes / Materials Available
Full slides given out. Lots of past materials available if you search hard enough.
Overall Rating
Trotman, Carson & Morgan. Financial Accounting: An Integrated Approach. Nelson Management Accounting Supplement. These were necessary to have a copy of as homework questions came out of these.
Irene 4/5.
Year & Trimester Of Completion
Your Mark / Grade
86 HD.

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5 years ago

Class Participation - 10%
Online Quizzes - 15%
Mid Term Exam - 25%
Final Exam - 50%
Assumed Knowledge
I found this course to be particularly challenging at times despite having some background knowledge from Business Studies. The first 3 or so weeks were fine but then as the weeks progressed it all builds on top of one another and becomes quite complex and a lot to deal with at once. It became really hard if you got stuck on concepts in like Week 4 and then you were also trying to learn the content in say Week 7. I think this was aided by the fact of yes, trimesters, as at one point they were trying to teach like 3 chapters of the textbook in one 2 hour lecture and this equated to approximately 100 or so pages of the textbook. The management accounting topics were just a bit odd compared to what we had learned in the previous 8 weeks. However, I think I enjoyed it more than the financial accounting content.

The exams were pretty alright if you had done the practice papers and knew your stuff. However, in saying that the final exam was definitely more than challenging, particularly the multiple choice. The mid term was also fine, had plenty of time to spare. The online quizzes are pretty easy as well, a definite easy 15 marks to get. However, there is one group presentation in the term and its important to get a good group otherwise you just don't get the work done (although this is just common with group work in general).

Lectures could get a bit boring and is definitely hard to stay focused for 2 hours straight. Some lecturers are better than others but otherwise they were pretty much the same. My tutor actually ended up being one of the lecturers so that was a bonus.

Although, this course was okay and I did alright, I will not be completing 1B.
Contact Hours
2 hour lecture per week, 1.5 hour tutorial per week
Lecture Recordings?
Lecturers: Youngdeok Lim, Chuan Yu, Conor Clune; Tutor: Conor Clune
Notes / Materials Available
Endless notes on the internet, past papers, stuff on Moodle
Overall Rating
Financial Accounting: An Integrated Approach 7th Edition 2019 by Ken Trotman, Elizabeth Carson, Kate Morgan + Management Accounting Supplement
Year & Trimester Of Completion
T1 2019
Your Mark / Grade

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8 years ago

Tutorial participation makes up 10% of the marks. The final exam is weighted 55%, with the remainder spread over weekly online quizzes and a mid-sem exam.
Assumed Knowledge
Some good skills at handling numbers is recommended, but otherwise nil.
All students that study a degree offered by the UNSW business school must take this course. The first few weeks feel tougher than the later few, for someone like me who had no business background. Concepts are foundational and relatable to HSC Business Studies, however far more numbers are present now, requiring a calculator. It's not "about" certain concepts, it's actually demonstrating them using figurative examples.

The lecturers appeared to have changed in the next semester (not sure if it will stay the same). Between the lectures, some were better than others. This lead to people getting easily bored of this course (which damages people's marks easily), because the last few weeks of lectures were significantly more interesting. Participation in tutorials is easy provided you actually try.

In general, a WAM booster provided you're not bored to the point you don't understand stuff.
Contact Hours
2 hours of Lectures, 1 hour of Tutorial
Lecture Recordings?
Yongdeok Lim (LIC), Jeffrey Knapp, Radzi Jidin
Notes / Materials Available
The same past paper is offered every year for the mid-sem and finals. In general, resources are hard to scavenge for.
Overall Rating
Trotman, K. Gibbins, M. & Carson, E., 2016 Financial Accounting: An Integrated Approach 6th edition + Management Accounting Supplement - Necessary, as tutorial questions are taken out of it. Note that the supplement must be purchased separately.
Year & Semester Of Completion
Your Mark / Grade
95 HD

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