University Subjects

MGMT1101: Global Business Environment

MGMT1101: Global Business Environment

University of New South Wales
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Subject Reviews


5 years ago


- Memos (35%): the first was 8%, second was 12%, third was 15%
- Group presentation (15%)
- Group facilitation (10%)
- Class participation (10%)
- Final exam (30%): all multiple choice
Assumed Knowledge
This is a really good starter for the international business major/minor! The course content is quite interesting and the course gives a good overview of international business. Although lectures aren't recorded, you're not really missing out on anything as the lectures mostly regurgitate textbook readings each week. However, the lecturer I had tended to give out questions to the final exams in lectures and didn't put them in the lecture slides on Moodle.

If there's one thing I didn't like about the course, it's that assessments weren't explained very well and there was no consistency across tutors whether it be about marking or even what to include in the memos/presentations/facilitations. In my tutorial class, no one got higher than a 75 for all the memos while in other classes people were doing better in others. Make sure to ask your tutor all the questions about assignments, not the lecturer as there was always a bit of confusion in regard to expectations.
Another thing to keep in mind is that tutorials are pretty much just presentations and facilitations. I recommend getting to know others in your class because the more you interact with others, the better your participation mark will be. Although it's only 10%, doing well in that section does make a difference in your final grade!
Contact Hours
3.5 - 2 hour lecture, 1.5 hour tutorial
Lecture Recordings?
Lecturer: Steven Lui, Tutor: Minh Vu
Notes / Materials Available
Not really but if you went to the lectures there were a few useful links related to each week's topic.
Overall Rating
Global Business Today, 4th ed by Hill et al.
Year & Trimester Of Completion
T2 2019

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