University Subjects

DESN2000: Engineering Design and Professional Practice

DESN2000: Engineering Design and Professional Practice

University of New South Wales
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Subject Reviews


4 years ago

Design Journal: 25% (two check-ins during the term)
Interim Presentation: 15%
Preliminary Report: 15%
Pitch Presentation: 10%
Final Report: 30%
Peer Review: 5%
DESN2000 is the new version of MMAN2100. The only difference is that DESN2000 takes on students from different schools of engineering and your classes are based on which engineering you're doing (e.g. MECH, CIVIL, SPREE, ELEC etc.) - I did the MECH stream. Ang is a great lecturer, but he goes through a lot of content and examples that are sometimes not necessary. The content itself isn't too hard because a lot of the time you're just following the steps outlined in the lecture slide. My main issue with the course is how ambiguous the instructions are. This is the first time DESN2000 is run, which is understandable, but sometimes it gets a bit yikes when you're trying to ask for help and the response you get is "well it's your choice." The other annoying thing is that in the final report, there's a section where they ask you to discuss stuff you learnt from other courses. The examples they listed were FEA, FMEA and electronic schematics. This would've been fine if DESN2000 wasn't a 2nd year engineering course - these examples are professional electives so it's not guaranteed that everyone knows FEA. The other annoying thing is that they asked us to our product onto CAD. It's understandable for them to ask us to draw on CAD, if MMAN2130 was a prerequisite or at least a corequisite with the course. Because we're generating a complex product on CAD (since we designed a chair), not everyone in the team was either confident to do so since they're taking MMAN2130 during the term or can't do it because they haven't done MMAN2130 or don't have access to CAD.
Contact Hours
Lectures: 1x 2 hours, 1x 1 hour
Tutorial: 2x 2 hours
Lecture Recordings?
Dr Ang Liu
Notes / Materials Available
Sample reports, video guides for reports
Overall Rating
Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach (Third Edition) by G. Pahl, W. Beitz, J. Feldhusen, K. H. Grote - no need to purchase it because you can easily access it online but it's useful for a section of the final report
Year & Trimester Of Completion
2020 T3

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