University Subjects

ELEC3104: Digital Signal Processing

ELEC3104: Digital Signal Processing

University of New South Wales
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5 years ago

20% online quizzes (total of 4 quizzes each at 5%), 30% project, 50% final.
Assumed Knowledge
MATLAB, ELEC2134 (the part on signals and Fourier transforms is very important)
This course was very interesting and expanded a lot upon the Fourier Transform dealt with in ELEC2134, but deals with discrete-time Fourier transforms and discrete Fourier transforms for digital systems. The Z-transform is also taught, and you'll be surprised at just how extensive it is used in DSP, and also how it's related to the Fourier Transform. There are a lot of intense mathematical proofs but they are quite elegant when you see all the nice results come out in the end.

Digital filters are also a large part of this course. I liked this part as you can immediately see the real-world applications especially in audio and speech processing. The tutorial-lab sheets require extensive use of MATLAB to design all sorts of filters and digital systems, and give a good insight into what DSP engineers do. MATLAB is a very useful skill to have so I particularly enjoyed the labs.
The 5% online quizzes were extremely tough and answers had to be typed in; there were no partial marks so many marks could be lost here. The project was very long but quite enjoyable and honestly very useful in terms of real-world applications. Since there are no actual tutorials that go through problem sets, it was very hard to gauge what type of questions could be asked in the final; the final exam was exceptionally difficult and long but in an electrical engineering degree these sorts of exams are to be expected. :D
Contact Hours
4-5 hours lectures, 3 hour tutorial-lab.
Lecture Recordings?
Dr Sethu
Notes / Materials Available
A few summaries of the course on ELSOC.
Overall Rating
Digital Signal Processing by S. K. Mitra. I used this only a handful of times; the lecture notes provided by the lecturer are quite detailed.
Year & Trimester Of Completion
Your Mark / Grade
93 HD

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7 years ago

50% Final Exam, 10% Labs, 15% Assignment, 25% Prokect
Assumed Knowledge
ELEC2134 (particularly the part of the course on transform methods), as well as a variety of techniques from 1st and 2nd year maths courses
This is the first course in Digital Signal Processing that you can take, and it's a prereq for all the 4th year DSP courses.

This is a really, really interesting course, and if you put the work in super enjoyable! Project is fun and lets you do as much as you can handle (you can do a little bit and pass easily, or do a heap of work to try and scape out the full mark). Labs are really long but good, overall - Wish they'd do more to teach you the sorts of questions you'd get in the final though. Lecturer is good, explains stuff well, but could really do with some slides/notes to guide his explanations. Hard to know what the important stuff is sometimes - Very few lecturers can get away with just scribbling on a document camera for 2 hours and he probably isn't one of them. That said, put a bit of work in yourself and he'll give you the ins and outs nicely ;D

This is a mandatory course for Electrical Engineers, and it's a good one. Get ready for lots and lots and LOTS of coding in Matlab (it is criminal that they don't really have you do much properly with it until this point) :)
Contact Hours
3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab
4 out of 5
Lecture Recordings?
Dr Vidhyasaharan Sethu
Notes / Materials Available
Overall Rating
S. K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing, McGraw-Hill, 2011. Explains stuff well, good buy if you are planning to do later courses in DSP.
Year & Semester Of Completion
Your Mark / Grade
83 DN

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