University Subjects

ELEC3105: Electrical Energy

ELEC3105: Electrical Energy

University of New South Wales
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5 years ago

5% weekly quizzes, 10% assignment, 15% midsem, 20% labs, 50% final.
Assumed Knowledge
ELEC2134 (the part on power analysis), ELEC3115
This course is all about electrical power, with an emphasis on non-ideal motors, generators and transformers. There is a lot of circuit analysis (know your AC circuit analysis well!) but it's interesting to see how power engineers actually design and use these circuit analysis techniques to determine currents/voltages, etc. in a power system.

The first part of the course is about solar, wind and hydroelectric power, and the calculations of power and efficiency of these systems. Then it shifts into 3-phase power and transformers. Unlike in ELEC2134, the transformers are non-ideal, and an equivalent circuit has to be used instead. Then it shifts into motors and generators, with a focus on DC machines, induction machines and synchronous machines. There are different equivalent circuits for each type of machine and special procedures that must be memorized to find different quantities like the circuit parameters, power, losses, torque, etc. This is where the difficulty of the course mainly lies. There is quite a lot to remember, with a fair few large formulas too.
The labs are really good and quite enjoyable and interesting. The consolidate a lot of concepts. The quizzes and midsem are fine. The assignment is quite challenging with 2 difficult questions to solve. The final exam was fair, although there were a couple of derivation questions. Overall, it was an interesting course but sometimes it got just a bit tedious.
Contact Hours
4 hours lectures (2x2 hour blocks), 3 hours lab (5 labs in the term), 1-2 hour tutorial
Lecture Recordings?
Rukmi Dutta
Notes / Materials Available
There is a course summary and past paper on the ELSOC website. The lecturer provides a few past papers.
Overall Rating
I used 2 textbooks for reference to clarify any difficult concepts. "Electrical Machinery Fundamentals" and "Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics"
Year & Trimester Of Completion

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7 years ago

20% lab checkpoints, 2% online quizzes, 10% midsem, 8% assignment, 60% final exam
Assumed Knowledge
ELEC2134, ELEC3115 (particularly this second one is important)
Another semester, another course with Rukmi - Read any of my reviews above this one to get my opinions. She has still not ever done a full worked example in any of her lectures. Her explanations are, okay - But prepare for lots of work to make them actually relate to any realistic problem. Tutorials also handled by Rukmi, and she doesn't do worked examples there either.
The content is interesting, I'll give it that. It's really fascinating to explore how our motors and generators actually operate, even exploring things like solar cells and thermal engines. It's cool - It's just taught in a really boring way. The labs are
Contact Hours
3 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial, 3 hours lab
Lecture Recordings?
Dr Rukmi Dutta
Notes / Materials Available
Overall Rating
None prescribed, a variety could come in handy as the topics do cover a fair few different disciplines of Elec
Year & Semester Of Completion
Your Mark / Grade
88 HD

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7 years ago

20% lab checkpoints, 2% online quizzes, 10% midsem, 8% assignment, 60% final exam
Assumed Knowledge
ELEC2134, ELEC3115 (particularly this second one is important)
Another semester, another course with Rukmi - Read any of my reviews above this one to get my opinions. She has still not ever done a full worked example in any of her lectures. Her explanations are, okay - But prepare for lots of work to make them actually relate to any realistic problem. Tutorials also handled by Rukmi, and she doesn't do worked examples there either.
The content is interesting, I'll give it that. It's really fascinating to explore how our motors and generators actually operate, even exploring things like solar cells and thermal engines. It's cool - It's just taught in a really boring way. The labs are
Contact Hours
3 hours lecture, 1 hour tutorial, 3 hours lab
Lecture Recordings?
Dr Rukmi Dutta
Notes / Materials Available
Overall Rating
None prescribed, a variety could come in handy as the topics do cover a fair few different disciplines of Elec
Year & Semester Of Completion
Your Mark / Grade
88 HD

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