University Subjects

ACF1200: Accounting for managers

ACF1200: Accounting for managers

Monash University
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6 years ago


8% test 1
this is in week 3 and is so sudden. i did ok in this test. it was quite difficult especially if you have never been tried accounting ever in high school because the teachers lack the ability to teach basic accounting principals so you're just gonna have to rely on repeating the questions that they give you and understanding it.

7% test 2
im not sure when this test was taken but it is a much easier, much more reasonable test. the questions are sometimes common sense. but my friends marks dropped from the first test so im not sure if i just thought it was easier but it really did feel like it.

10% group assignment
we had to write a business plan about a business we would start up that was realistic. they don't really advertise this, but just base your plan off the rubric that they give you and make sure you answer everything they expect and you're guaranteed hd.

5% reflective note
like 300 words or something that was a reflection of your journey with accounting for managers. ez hd

10% 3 minute moodle reviews
so freaking stupid. these reviews are held at the start of every workshop to test that you consumed the online lecture for the week. at the start, they test accounting concepts in the online lectures but in like weeks 7+ they start to test the irrelevant information in the online lectures like "what did sally sell in the example of capital budgeting?". nothing that relates to actual accounting but basically testing your comprehension of the video which is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid. also, make sure you read their article that they give you because they test irrelevant information from that too......

10% moodle quiz
easy quizzes that you take after your online lecture

50% exam
exam is so ridiculously stupid and unfair. compared to previous exams given, they tested once again: information that was irrelevant. the first question in the exam was asking about week 1's workshop about a video we watched. HELLO?! how do you remember that. the concept wasn't even about accounting but like the company who was involved and information about them.
horribly taught unit with passionate teachers. very questionable examinable material. i would personally try the other accounting even if math isn't your forte because at least the content taught there isnt boring. the content in this unit honestly is the worst. for example: a whole week on budgeting? the only thing you get out of it is cash budgets which is once again self explanatory.

this unit is also take in conjunction with accounting for managers in clayton. we share the same moodle site and thus, we take the same exam, tests and moodle quizzes.
i would schedule my workshop to be near the end of the week so maybe your friends could tell you what's on the reviews for the workshop because they dont change it up for both campuses lol.
elli allen
Past Exams Available
2 from previous semesters
1 out of 5
Recorded Lectures
Textbook Recommendation
the prescribed textbook was alright and i used it quite often because the lecture slides were full of nothing. im pretty sure u can find a free pdf floating out there somewhere.

x1 online lecture every week (can vary in length per week) ~1 hr
x1 3hr compulsory workshop every week
Year & Semester Of Completion
sem 2 2018
Your Mark / Grade

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